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Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Testina Hydrosonic carbon Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Testina Hydrosonic carbon Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Testina Hydrosonic carbon Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Testina Hydrosonic carbon Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Testina Hydrosonic carbon Testina Hydrosonic carbon

Testina spazzolino Carbon per Hydrosonic, 2 pz.

Testine ad azione sbiancante al carbone

Testina a forma di goccia con filamenti in Curen® rivestiti in carbone per una delicata azione sbiancante quotidiana.

24,95 CHF
Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Testina spazzolino Carbon per Hydrosonic
24,95 CHF
2 pz.


Testine ad azione sbiancante al carbone

Testina a forma di goccia con filamenti in Curen® rivestiti in carbone per una delicata azione sbiancante quotidiana.

  •  Activated carbon for whitening

    Activated carbon for whitening

  •  Gentle and effective – keeping teeth bright

    Gentle and effective – keeping teeth bright

  •  Supports the hydrodynamic cleaning effect

    Supports the hydrodynamic cleaning effect

  •  Activated carbon for whitening

    Activated carbon for whitening

  •  Gentle and effective – keeping teeth bright

    Gentle and effective – keeping teeth bright

  •  Supports the hydrodynamic cleaning effect

    Supports the hydrodynamic cleaning effect

Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Testina Hydrosonic carbon
Swiss premium oral care Swiss premium oral care

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